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Budget and Finance Policy

Last Revised February 2022.


The Clinton Public Library (CPL) has a Board-approved written budget. This budget is developed annually as a cooperative process between the City’s Finance Department, the Library Board’s finance committee, the Library Director and staff with responsibility for budgetary elements. Each year, the Board of Trustees determines if the library’s budget is adequate to meet the needs of the community. If the budget is not adequate to meet the needs of the community, the Board of Trustees takes action to adjust services as the budget allows.

CPL spends a minimum of 12% of its operating budget on materials and resources for patrons. Materials include books, audiovisual materials, periodicals, telecommunication costs for reference services, and fees for online information services. Costs related to the installation and maintenance of a Local Area Network or a shared or stand alone bibliographic database are not included.

The library maintains adequate financial records of library operations in a manner easily understood by the public as well as the Board of Trustees and Library Director. This record is presented at each monthly Trustee meeting and clearly indicates the financial position of the library provided by the City’s Finance Department. In addition to the general financial position of the library, this record provides each budgetary line item including budgeted amount, monthly and year to date expenditures, amounts remaining per line item and income deposits.


Policy Reviewed, Revised & Scheduled for review by the Clinton Public Library Board of Trustees

Adopted Revised Reviewed Date of next review
  2019 2015 Feb 2024
  Feb 2022