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Computer Use Policy

Last Revised November 2019.


Clinton Public Library (CPL) provides access to personal computer workstations for a wide range of uses for its patrons and visitors. Not all services are available at every computer and some computers may be dedicated for particular services at the discretion of the library. Electronic databases, MS Office applications, games and instructional media, are among the resources available in multiple public areas of the library during regular business hours. The following guidelines describe the terms of access to CPL’s computers and constitute official institutional policy on computer use:

  1. Users will need a valid and current library card from CPL or one of our partner libraries in the Rivershare consortium. Patron accounts must not be restricted due to charges, holds, collections, or in violation of CPL and Rivershare circulation policies. Patrons barred from access to other library facilities or services will not be allowed to use CPL computers.
  2. The Library's goal is to make the public computers at all CPL locations available to as many patrons as possible. To accomplish this, library card-holding patrons are allocated 90 minutes per day for public computer use. There are a variety of services available on Library computers. Library cardholders can request an additional 90 minutes without charge, as long as there is no wait on computers.
  3. Computers use should generally be limited to one person per computer and all users must sign in with their own card number. CPL staff reserves the right to terminate a person’s use of the computer if problems occur. These include (but are not limited to): excessive noise, abuse of equipment, inappropriate behavior, hardware or software malfunctions, illicit use of login credentials, etc.
  4. Patrons may not use their own software programs or download programs on library computers. This helps prevent computer viruses that are common on public computers and ensures a secure environment for all patrons. Patrons may use their own portable storage media (discs, flash drives, external hard drives), but the library is not responsible for any damage that may occur to those items.
  5. Arrangements may be made for research, education, or professional projects (such as genealogy, college or financial aid applications, resume writing, job applications, proctored testing, etc.) that require longer use of computer applications and an Internet connection.
  6. Computers will be available during regular library hours, subject to periodic maintenance, staff use, and group use. Computer use must be completed 30 minutes prior to closing and users will be informed before the session automatically times out at closing.
  7. Users may not use the library for any illegal or criminal purposes, including (but not limited to) the following:
    • Violating Iowa State law prohibiting the downloading or purveying of child pornography, purveying pornography to children, or committing fraudulent acts using the internet.
    • Violating United States copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code) prohibiting the unauthorized sending, receiving, or displaying text or graphics which may reasonably be construed as obscene and/or in violation of federal, state, or local statutes.
  8. Misuse of computer access will result in the loss of computer privileges. The length of the suspension is at the discretion of the Library Director. Users are responsible for any intentional damage to equipment, software, or network capabilities, and will be billed for full repair or replacement cost. Misuse of computers includes (but is not limited to):
    • Violation of computer system security
    • Violation of software licensing agreements
    • Violation of network usage policy
    • Violation of another user’s privacy


Guest Passes

The Clinton Public Library (CPL) offers free, randomly generated guest passes for public computer use for non-cardholders or visitors who are not able or are ineligible to obtain a library card from CPL or another Rivershare library.

  • A visitor must present a valid form of identification.
  • A guest pass is issued for a 90-minute session.
  • There is no limit to the number of passes allowed per day, as long as there is no wait on computers.
  • Passes are valid only for the day of issue.

Computers will automatically shut down 30 minutes before the library closes. Be advised, if passes are received at the end of the day, a full 90 minutes may not be available before closing. The library also provides free, unlimited access for wireless Internet use. No password is required, but all wireless users must agree to the terms of use.