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Reconsideration of Library Resources Policy

Adopted May 2010; Last Revised February 2024.

The purpose of this policy is to establish a transparent and fair process for patrons to request a review of library resources that they find objectionable. The policy ensures that the library maintains a diverse and inclusive collection while respecting the principles of intellectual freedom and freedom of expression.


  • Intellectual Freedom: The library upholds the principles of intellectual freedom and the right of individuals to access a wide range of information and ideas.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: The library is committed to providing a diverse and inclusive collection that represents a variety of perspectives, cultures, and viewpoints.
  • Public Access: The library seeks to balance the needs and preferences of the community by providing access to a broad range of materials.

Residents objecting to library resources or lack thereof provided by the Clinton Public Library must be a resident of the City of Clinton Iowa, have a library card issued by the Clinton Public Library, and must complete the Request for Reconsideration of Library Resources Form. Resources under reconsideration will remain in the collection and available to the public until a decision is reached.


Reconsideration Process

Step 1: Request for Reconsideration
Patrons who object to specific library resources or lack thereof may submit a Request for Reconsideration of Library Resources form, available at the library or on the library's website. The request must be filled out completely.

Please also review the following resources: ALA’s Library Bill of Rights, ALA’s Freedom to Read Statement or Freedom to View Statement, and Clinton Public Library’s Collection Development policy.

Step 2: Review by Library Director
The Library Director will review the request to ensure it meets the criteria for reconsideration. If the request is incomplete, the patron will be notified and given an opportunity to provide the necessary information. The Director will work with appropriate staff to research the resource in question and respond in writing to the patron within 14 days of receiving the request. The Director will include directions for an appeal in the written response.

Step 3: Appeal of Written Response
If the written response is appealed the Library Director will review the request with the Board of Trustee’s Library Committee. The Committee will review the challenged material in its entirety and consider its merits within the context of the library's collection development policy.

Step 4: Committee and Board Decision
The Library Committee will share their recommendation with the Library Board of Trustees at the next regular Board meeting. The Board will make a final determination and communicate the decision to the patron in writing, within 14 days after the regular Board meeting. A request for the same title will not be considered again for a three-year period based on our collection development policy.


Policy Reviewed, Revised & Scheduled for review by the Clinton Public Library Board of Trustees

Adopted Revised Reviewed Date of next review
May 2010 April 2018 2015 Dec 2024
  Dec 2021 Dec 2021  
    Feb 2024