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eGovt Resources

This webpage covers government resources at the federal (national) level.



Search Federal Government Sites

USA.gov is the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state, and local government web resources and services. You can browse the USA.gov site by topics.


Government Agencies and Elected Officials

A to Z list of all federal agencies 
This page lists all federal agencies and lets you search for an agency by name as well.

Contact U.S. Senators 
This page lists all current U.S. Senators by state, links to their websites, phone numbers, and email addresses.

Find My U.S. Representative 
This page lets you enter your zip code to identify your U.S. Representative and gives you links to their website and contact information.


Health and Healthcare

This site directs you, based on your state of residence, to purchase insurance through either the appropriate state or federal health insurance marketplace.

Medicare home page 
Medicare is a health insurance program for people aged 65 and over who have paid into the system through payroll taxes on their wages. In order to receive benefits, you need to enroll. This page, getting started with Medicare, gives more information about setting up Medicare.


Assistance, Retirement, and Student Aid

This government site helps you determine if your address is in a declared disaster area. It also links to local FEMA and Red Cross centers.

Social Security Administration (SSA) home page 
The SSA manages social security payments, which includes retirement, disability, and survivor benefits that is paid in through a payroll tax on your wages. This page includes tools to understand your contributions so far and estimate future payments. In order to start receiving retirement benefits, like with Medicare, you need to enroll. Here is the link to the SSA online application for receiving retirement benefits.

Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Application 
The FAFSA is a free student aid application managed by the U.S. Department of Education. Most colleges and universities encourage students to fill out this application as part of their process for determining financial aid. Aid packages typically include a combination of grants (money you don't have to pay back), loans, and work-study funds.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) 
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs administers all benefits for U.S. military veterans, their families, and survivors. This includes health care, educational, and burial benefits. The VA Applying for Benefits page covers the different kinds of benefits and how to apply for each.


Jobs and Unemployment

Find a federal government job 
This page explains the federal hiring process for different kinds of positions, including jobs in federal agencies, apprenticeships, and internships. A companion page, USA.gov's general find a job page, covers ways to plan a job search, write resumes and cover letters, interview strategies, and more.

Federal Unemployment Information 
If you've become unemployed through no fault of your own, or under certain eligibility requirements as outlined by state law, you qualify for unemployment benefits. This site covers those benefits and how to apply for them.


Money and Taxes

IRS tax forms and publications 
If you are looking for a specific federal tax form or publication, you can find it through this site.

Federal Tax Information and Online Services for Individuals 
This site gives information about how to file, pay, and manage your taxes. It includes links to how to file for free if you are below a certain income threshold. There is also information for different individual situations, such as self-employment, military, parents, students, or retirees.


Travel and Immigration

U.S. Passports and International Travel 
This site covers applying for a passport, a requirement for traveling out of the country. Other links include travel checklists and U.S.-issued travel alerts and warnings.

U.S. Department of State Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) 
STEP is a free service for U.S. citizens to be registered with nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate while traveling abroad. This allows the Embassy or Consulate to alert you about local safety issues while abroad and to facilitate communications in the case of an emergency.

Obtaining citizenship through naturalization 
This page covers how to become a U.S. citizen, including through military service or marriage.


Voting and Elections

Voter registration information 
A USA.gov website that lets you determine whether you are eligible to vote, deadlines for registering, and ID requirements for registering.

Researching election candidates 
This USA.gov website gives an overview on how to learn more about candidates during an election.

How to Vote 
This website covers information on absentee voting, early voting, and voting on Election Day.