Gifts to the Library Policy

Last Revised May 2022.


The Clinton Public Library is grateful for gifts, and its collection has been enriched by donations of materials as well as contributions. Through donors, the library has been able to acquire materials which could not have been purchased otherwise.

Click here for Gift Forms.

Donation of Books and Audio Visual Materials

In accepting a gift of materials, the library reserves the privilege of deciding whether items donated should be added to the collection. Some cannot, because any library material, though of value in itself, may be; (1) a duplicate of an item of which the library already has a sufficient number; (2) outdated – interesting, but not of sufficient present reference or circulating value to the library; and/or (3) in poor condition - which would not justify the expense of processing it, i.e. cataloging and preparing it for circulation. The material will be judged by the same standards of selection [see Collection Development Policy] as those applied to the purchase of new materials. The Clinton Public Library accepts gift books with the understanding that books which are useful to the library collection will be retained, and other books disposed of in whatever manner the library deems best in accordance with Iowa law. The Library necessarily reserves the right to mix gifts with other collections on the same subject, so that all collections are organized and classified according to library standards for the best public service.


Book Sponsorships

The Library welcomes monetary contributions specifically for book purchases in memorial or in honor of named individuals. In order that the Library can properly honor this generosity, a special form to record the information is used and should be completed. Donations once gifted can’t be refunded.


Financial Donations

The Library welcomes cash contributions. It is our custom to expend cash gifts on materials, equipment, or a project which generally is compatible to the donor wishes. The Library welcomes gifts of real property, trusts, stocks and bonds. No donation can be accepted unless it is given to the library without restrictions, unless the Board of Library Trustees has specifically adopted an agreement to accept the donation with the restrictions requested. Gifts given without restrictions or used in compliance with restrictions are non-refundable and may be used, sold or disposed of in the best interest of the library.

Although it is unlikely, there may be an occasion in which the restrictions set by the donor make it impossible for the library to accept the contribution. All donations are subject to the approval of the Library Director under the support of the Library Board of Library Trustees subject to City of Clinton ordinances and Iowa law.


Use of Gifts  

Book donations and memorials are retained as long as feasible. However, all gifts are accepted with the understanding that it may someday be necessary to sell or dispose of the items in the best interests of the library. The Library cannot commit itself to perpetually house all donations. All items donated irrevocably become the property of the library to be disposed of at the discretion of the Library Director or designee.


Policy Reviewed, Revised & Scheduled for review by the Clinton Public Library Board of Trustees

Adopted Revised Reviewed Date of next review
  April 2018 May 2007 May 2025
  May 2022    





Book Sponsorship Program

I/we would like to contribute $_____________ for a book(s) to be placed in the library. I have read and understand the library’s gifts policy and I understand my gift in non-refundable.

As a memorial for:

or in honor of:

on the occasion of a birthday, wedding anniversary, graduation, or other (please specify).


The subject matter we prefer for this book is (please specify if you have a preference):


The Library will notify the following that this donation has been added to the Library’s collection in memory of or honoring the above. In the space provided, please indicate the relationship between the honoree and the person to be notified of the donation.



Name(s) of person(s) to be notified:


Address(es) of person(s) to be notified:



Donor Information

Name of donor:


Address of donor:


Please make checks payable to:
Clinton Public Library
306 8th Ave. S. Clinton, Iowa 52732
Phone: 563-242-8441. Fax: 563-242-8162.


Gift Agreement Form




(Street) (City) (State) (Zip)

Description of material donated:


Information concerning the material or donor which would be helpful in organizing and cataloging this material:


I hereby agree, by my signature below, to transfer legal title of the gift to the Clinton Public Library, and understand that all gifts of items or money are irrevocable unless specifically stated restrictions are agreed and accepted by the Library in advance of the donation. The Library specifically reserves the right not to approve any requested restrictions.

Unrestricted gift:

Restrictions (please specify):

I have read the gift policy provisions of the Clinton Public Library and agree that they are acceptable.

Donor signature:
