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Internet Access Policy

Last Revised October 2022.


The Clinton Public Library (CPL) makes Internet resources accessible to all patrons. Sessions are 90 minutes per day. Extensions may be granted by request.

CPL does not monitor and has no control over the information available through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. Library patrons use the Internet at their own discretion and risk. The public is prohibited from downloading illegal content.

All Internet resources accessible through library channels are provided equally to all adult (age 18 and older) library users. Parents and guardians - neither the library nor its staff - are responsible for the Internet information selected and/or accessed by their children. Only parents and guardians may restrict their children - and only their children - from access to Internet resources accessible through library channels. Parents are advised to supervise their children’s Internet sessions. The reading and viewing activity of children is ultimately the responsibility of the parents or guardians.

CPL follows state and federal law regarding privacy of library users' records and information. The library will release records, including those relating to Internet usage, only as required by law. When a computer session is ended, all information about that session is programed to be deleted. The library does not, as part of its regular practice, retrieve any information, including websites visited, passwords, credit card numbers, or any other information a patron has entered. At the end of the business day, all computer use and reservation records are normally erased.

Clinton Public Library WIFI

Public wireless access is available 24 hours a day. The Library's wireless network is not secure. Information sent from or to your device can be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and the appropriate software, within three hundred feet.

Library staff is not able to provide technical assistance and no guarantee can be provided that you will be able to make a wireless connection. The Library assumes no responsibility for the safety and security of equipment or for laptop or smart devices configurations, or data files resulting from connection to the Library's network. The device owner is responsible for setting up their equipment to access the CPL Wireless network. Library staff is not permitted to handle your device or peripheral equipment. Library staff is not allowed to configure patrons' devices, nor can they provide more than general assistance in getting connected to the wireless network.



Hotspots are available to checkout for 2 weeks with no renewals and will be disabled after the due date. Fines are $1 a day, capped at $10. Replacement fee is $28.


Policy Reviewed, Revised & Scheduled for review by the Clinton Public Library Board of Trustees

Adopted Revised Reviewed Date of next review
  Dec 1998 Sept 2002 Dec 2024
  Feb 2003 Feb 2003  
  Oct 2003 Oct 2003  
  April 2004 April 2004  
  May 2007 May 2008  
  May 2010 April 2010  
  July 2015 Jan 2020  
  Oct 2022 Aug 2022