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Meeting Room Policy

Adopted September 1992; Last Revised May 2024.


The purpose of the Library's meeting rooms is to provide space for library programs and events, and civic, cultural, educational, and informational meetings. Use of the meeting rooms does not imply Library endorsement of ideas expressed in the meetings or of the goals and objectives of the organizations using the facilities.

Book the Multipurpose Room Lyons Meeting Space: Coming Soon



  • Meeting room use is granted on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations are taken not more than 3 months in advance. Reservation forms must be filled out by responsible party and approved by staff before use.

  • Individuals must be at least 18 years or older to reserve meeting rooms or an adult (18 years or older) must co-sign the application and provide adult supervision during the meeting time, unless approved by staff prior to the meeting.

  • The Meeting room is available during regular library hours. Meetings must conclude 15 minutes before library closing and may not go longer without submitting a request for extended time to the Director.


Main Library Multipurpose Room

Room capacity is set at 75 per the City of Clinton Fire Marshal.

  • Meetings for children and teens must have adult supervision (no less than a 1-10 ratio).
  • This room is not available for private parties. Please see below for Lyons Library Building.
  • Makerspace items are for library programs only unless approved by staff. See the Library’s Makerspace Policy.
  • Admission fees, donations, or other fees may not be charged or solicited.
  • Commercial activities such as selling merchandise, soliciting sales, placing orders, exchanging monies is strictly prohibited except for events that benefit the Library.
  • Virtual Meetings: the organizer is responsible for the conduct of attendees and agrees to comply with this policy. Staff will set-up the virtual meeting during Library open hours and the organizer will end the meeting and monitor attendees.


  • 55-inch All-in-One Digital Flipchart with USB, LAN, HDMI, & Mirroring connectivity
  • 20 chairs and 8 movable tables
  • WIFI


Lyons Library Building: Friends Bookstore & Meeting Space

Room capacity is set at 75 per the City of Clinton Fire Marshal.

  • Free reservations for not-for-profit groups or organizations.
  • Commercial activities for business events, meetings, presentations for financial gain, or private parties will be charged at the following rates at the time of booking:
    • $25 per hour up to 3 hours.
    • $50 per hour for 4 or more consecutive hours (ex: $200 for 4-hour block).
    • $25 minimum cleaning fee will be charged if there is excessive clean-up.

No refunds will be given if not notified 24 hours prior to your booking time.


  • 55-inch TV on rolling stand with HDMI and VGA connection
  • 20 chairs, 5 tables
  • WIFI


Guidelines For Use

  • Groups will be charged for labor and materials to cover the cost of damage to the room or library equipment, or extraordinary room clean up that results from use. If extra trash receptacles are needed, please ask staff at the time of booking.
  • The Meeting room is set in a standard room set-up and groups are responsible for returning the room to the standard set-up. If more chairs are needed, please let us know and we’ll try to accommodate to the best of our ability.
  • Food and non-alcoholic beverages may be served in the Meeting Room if pre-approved by library staff. The Library's Conduct Policy applies to use of the meeting rooms. See the Library’s Conduct Policy.
  • The Library reserves the right to revoke permission to use the meeting room or virtual meeting room. The Library reserves the right to change or cancel a reservation due to unforeseen circumstances or library need.


Policy Reviewed, Revised & Scheduled for review by the Clinton Public Library Board of Trustees

Adopted Revised Reviewed Date of next review
Sept 1992 Sept 2020 2015 March 2026
  Jan 2021 2020  
  May 2022 April 2024  
  May 2024