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Programming Policy

Adopted October 2017; Last Revised June 2021.

The Clinton Public Library offers programs intended to further the library's mission. Programs are provided as a means through which the public of all ages, cultures, backgrounds, and interest groups can share experiences, appreciate special interests, and exchange information. 

The Clinton Public Library Board of Trustees delegates development and presentation of programs to the Library Director and their designee(s).

All programs must be open to the public and offered free of charge, although at the discretion of the Library Director, the following will be permissible at library-initiated programs or on property governed by library policy:

  1. Fund-raising to benefit the library, or sponsored by the Friends of the Clinton Public Library.
  2. The sale of books, CDs, or other items by authors; performers/presenters or vendors as part of a library program. Presenters are encouraged to donate a copy of their work to the library for possible inclusion in the library collection.
  3. Charging a fee to cover the cost of materials used for a library program.

The library may collaborate with other organizations or city departments on programs not developed by the library that promote the library's mission.

The Library promotes the free and open exchange of ideas and does not attempt to control or be responsible for the content of programs it does not initiate, nor does it indicate an endorsement of other group’s philosophies.

Requests from individuals to present programs including author readings and signings are considered and weighed against the library’s budget, other allocated resources, and the public’s demonstrated interest in the topic. A program request form must be submitted at least 30 days prior.

Every attempt will be made to accommodate all who wish to attend a program; attendance may be limited and will be determined on a first come, first served basis, either with advanced registration or at the door. Attendance at some library-sponsored programs may be restricted to specific age groups.

The library does not offer programs that support or oppose any political candidate, ballot measure, or specific religious conviction. Educational or entertaining programs on these topics are acceptable. Holiday programs may be offered.

Presenters may not require or expect library patrons or attendees to sign a petition or letter. Patrons can voluntarily provide contact information.


Policy Reviewed, Revised & Scheduled for review by the Clinton Public Library Board of Trustees

Adopted Revised Reviewed Date of next review
October 2017 June 2021   June 2024